Club Board Meeting for February
January 31, 2024
Call the Meeting to order – The meeting was called to order by President Pat Ploor at 5:45pm.
Zoom Demonstration – Member DeeDee Brauer demonstrated to Board members how to originate a zoom meeting. The intention of this is to have meetings be available to members that travel in the winter months. After instruction and discussion, the Board agreed to leave the meeting length at 40 minutes and not pay for an extension of time. This item can be revisited in the fall of 2024.
Approval of the January 2, 2024 Board Minutes – Pat Eggers made a motion to approve the minutes with Sharon Brecklin seconding. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Angie Meacham reported that she will email the financial report to all members prior to her vacation. Angie noted that taxes still need to be done.
Correspondence – Pat Ploor shared a message from Kristin Wachsmuth, a Sawyer 4K teacher regarding the Reading Friends program. Peg Wepner will share the note with members at the February Club meeting.
Committee Reports:
Standing Committees – Chris Zvara reported that the Committee Chairs are:
Membership Development – Cheryl Zettel and Laura Voeks
Service – Carrie Tjernagel
Fundraising – Carol Devault and Cally Asher
Communication – TBD
It was agreed that a 15 minute discussion would be held before the meeting begins with a report given by the Committee Chairs during the regular meeting.
Old Business:
Website Update – Angie Meacham shared the website proposal from Door Guide Publishing. After discussion, it was agreed to move forward with the proposal. Members will need to approve the Boards recommendation. It was felt that a member with IT knowledge is needed to act as a middle man between the website and company regarding updates.
Born to Read Update – Pat Ploor reported that member Molly Ritchie will serve as the new chair for this committee. Pat noted that there are many books presently being stored at Cherry Cove. Rosemary Stuebi has agreed to sort through them.
New Business:
Door County Non-Profit Group – Peg Wepner reported that this group meets once a month and zoom is available if not attending in person. Peg is willing to continue serving as an Altrusa representative but is looking for 1 or 2 people to serve with her. Robyn Anderson made a motion to pay the $25.00 fee to continue our membership with this group. Chris Zvara seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Philanthropy Issue Ad – Peg Wepner noted a half page ad was purchased to celebrate Altrusa of Door County’s 35th Anniversary in 2023. The purpose of the ad was to recognize our organization within the community and possibly generate funds. After discussion, Chris Zvara made a motion not to purchase an ad this year in the Door County Philanthropy Issue. Pat Ploor seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Photo Posting on Social Media – Pat Eggers contacted other Altrusa chapters to learn of their policies regarding posting faces of children on social media. She reported that they do not post faces of children on their social media page. Further discussion on this matter will take place at the next meeting.
New Member Application – Rebecca Cavanaugh completed her membership application. Robyn Anderson made a motion to accept Rebecca as a new member of Altrusa of Door County with Chris Zvara seconding. Motion passed.
Resignation of Co-President Diane Jenquin – Robyn Anderson made a motion to accept Diane’s resignation as Co-President with Angie Meacham seconding. Motion passed.
February 20 Club Membership Meeting -Pat Eggers, 2nd Vice President, will Chair the meeting to be held at Bay View Lutheran Church.
May Elections – Pat Ploor wondered if someone could put together an electronic vote for the May Board elections. She will make inquiries regarding this. Chris Zvara made a motion to hold a special election in May for a new Club Treasurer. Robyn Anderson seconded the motion. Motion passed.
District 7 Awards – Pat Ploor noted various awards are available at District Conference for individual Altrusa Clubs. She thought the Service committed could possible submit applications for the awards. Further discussion will be held at an upcoming meeting.
Nomination Committee – Chris Zvara reported the following: she will step into the Co- President position with Pat Ploor. Peg Wepner and Robyn Anderson will continue as Directors. Mary Fasciotti and Carrie Tjernagel will be Co-Secretaries. The only vacancies will be a 1 year director term and Vice-President position.
The meeting adjourned at 7:37pm upon morion by Carrie Tjernagel and seconded by Sharon Brecklin. Motion passed.
Members present: Pat Ploor, Pat Eggers, Angie Meacham, Sharon Brecklin, Carrie Tjernagel, Chris Zvara, Robyn Anderson, and Mary Fasciotti.
Submitted by Mary Fasciotti
Future Meetings:
Club Membership – February20, 2024 – 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting. This will be a BTSF working meeting held at Bay View Lutheran Church.
Board Meeting – March 5, 2024 – 6:00pm at DCCF
Club Membership – March 19. 2024 Location TBD