February 20, 2024 Bay View Lutheran Church

Membership Working Meeting for Back to School Fair

Call the Meeting to Order – Pat Eggers, 2nd Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 5:55pm.

Approval of the January Membership Minute – Peg Wepner made a motion to accept the January Membership meeting minutes with a second from Cally Asher.  Motion passed.

Board Information:  Pat Eggers reported the following information:

Rebecca Cavanaugh has been accepted as a new member of Altrusa of Door County.

The Board regretfully accepted Diane Jenquin’s resignation as Co-President.

The Board decided not to extend zoom meetings past the 40 minute time limit.  An additional fee of $15.99 per month would be charged for going over this time. Discussion followed. A majority of the members present felt that meetings could be held within that time frame.  Cally Asher noted she is familiar with Google Meets and is willing to show the Board how to work this program for online access.

Old Business:

Nominating Committee   Laura Voeks gave an update on the 2024 Slate of Officers.  The slate of candidates for office are:  Pat Ploor\ Chris Zvara Co-Presidents, Laura Voeks Vice- President, Pat Eggers 2nd Vice-President,  Angie Meacham Treasurer, Mary Fasciotti\ Carrie Tjernagel Co-Secretary, Peg Wepner, and Cheryl Zettel as directors.  Laura noted that other candidates may be nominated from the floor or in advance of the election.  Discussion followed regarding the positions available on the Board.  It was noted that no new Directors are being added this year.  A clarification from the Nominating Committee is requested to address this issue.  It was noted that Club Treasurer, Angie Meacham, will accept the position of Foundation Treasurer leaving her present position vacant.  Karen Gosser offered to fulfill this vacancy.

Website Update – A proposal from Door Guide Publishing was shared with members.  Angie Meacham has been in contact with this company to create a new website for Altrusa of Door County.  The old site has been corrupted and a new website is need to maintain our social media presence.  The cost for this project would come from the Foundation Budget and needs to be voted upon by the membership.  Discussion followed and it was felt that this proposal should be accepted.

Door County Non-Profit – Peg Wepner said she is looking for 2 members to join her in representing Altrusa of Door County in this organization.  Cathy Royce and Denise Richardson offered to  join Peg in serving on this committee.  Peg also asked if anyone knew who initiated the fundraiser at Cherry Lanes Bowling on March 18.  After discussion it was agreed to move forward with this fundraiser.  Peg noted that Pat Ploor will work on the Door County Golden Heart Volunteer nomination.

Back to School Fair – Maureen Fear reported that approximately 700 envelopes will be prepared and given to the schools at the beginning of March.  The completed applications are due by March 31.  The July general meeting will be devoted to final preparations for the upcoming BTSF to be held in August.

The meeting adjourned at 6:53pm upon motion by Cathy Royce with a second by Maureen Fear.  Motion passed.  Work began on preparing BTSF envelopes.

Members present: Pat Eggers, Rosemary Stuebi, Molly Ritchie, Laura Voeks, Maureen Fearj, Cathy Royce, Cally Asher, Denise Richardson, Sue Enroth, Peg Wepner, Kristin Johnson, Karen Gosser and Mary Fasciotti.

Minutes submitted by Mary Fasciotti

Future Meetings:

Board – Tuesday March 5, 2024, 6”00pm at DCCF

Club Membership – March 19, 2024, 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting at DCCF