Club Membership Minutes for April 16, 2024

Held at The Hitching Post

Call the meeting to order:  President Pat Ploor called the meeting to order at 6:28pm.

Introduction of Guests:  Pat Ploor introduced Cathy Wiegman for her 1st meeting, Sharon Haines introduced Mary and Meredith Templin for their 1st meeting, and Maureen Fear introduced Diane Gruener for her 2nd meeting.

Approval of the March 19, 2024 Membership Meeting Minutes:  Chris Zvara made a motion to accept the minutes with a second from Lori Anderson.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  Angie Meacham emailed a report to members prior to the meeting.  She noted that dues are to be paid by the end of May and the cost is $75.00.  Angie will remind members of this in an upcoming email.  She is presently working on the new budget.  It was noted that a $100.00 donation was sent to Days For Girls.

Guest Speaker:  Altrusa member, Kristin Johnson, spoke to members about her role as Director of Gifrs and Estate Planning with the Salvation Army and its relationship with Altrusa of Door County.  Kristin noted the many positive successes the Salvation Army has had within her territory from Sheboygan, WI to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Salvation Army raises funds for its organization through the Red Kettle Bell Ringing Campaign held during the Holidays.  Kristin noted that the monies raised during this event stay within the Door County community.  Altrusa of Door County has been awarded $15,000 from the Salvation Army for the August, 2024 Back to School Fair.

Old Business:

Web page Development – Angie Meacham and Peg Wepner spoke about the new Altrusa of Door County web page which is currently being developed by Door Guide Publishing Company.  Peg asked that pictures taken of Club events be emailed to her so they can in turn be put on the web page.  She will update the Club’s Mission Statement.  Angie will prepare a section of frequently asked question about our Club.  Bridget Bowers has agreed to act as a liaison between our organization and the developer as we go forward with this project.

Acts of Kindness – Peg Wepner has asked members to record Acts of Kindness they have done throughout the past month.  She will keep a running total of these actions.

District 7 Conference – Pat Ploor collected assorted donations which will be given to Altrusa of Green Bay at conference.  These items will be used for guests staying in their Green Bay Hospitality House.

New Business:

Foundation Officers Needed – Chris Zvara, Nominating Committee member, indicated that 5 members are needed to serve on the newly formed Altrusa of Door County Foundation Board of Directors.  This is a 2 year term running from June 1 to May 31.  The 5 members who offered to serve are, Angie Meacham, Judy Borowski, Cathy Royce, Lori Anderson and Sharon Haines.  Chris Zvara made a motion to accept these 5 individuals to serve on the Altrusa of Door County Foundation Board with a second from Carrie Tjernagel.  Motion passed.

Altrusa Member, Amanda Kuntz, Welcome Shower – Maureen Fear gave an update to  members on the 3 foster children now in Amanda’s care.  Maureen shared Amanda’s appreciation of all the donations and support she and her husband have received to date.  A shower will be held for the Kuntz family on May 21 during the social time prior to the General Club Meeting.  Amanda noted that the children are in need of outdoor sports equipment and toys.  Sharon Haines and Mary Fasciotti will coordinate this event.

Standing Committee Reports:

Service – Carrie Tjernagel reported that Kristin Johnson has offered to help Sue Enroth with the Habitat for Humanity project.  Jackie Jeanquart is in need of a member for the Scholarship committee.  The Days for Girls service project needs were met with the donation to this cause.

BTSF – Maureen Fear sent a report to all members prior to the meeting. The Fair will take place on Saturday, August 3, 2024.  She is in need of a member to help with coordinating volunteers and a group of people to check the data entries..

Communications – Peg Wepner emailed members an update prior to the meeting.  Judy Borowski has agreed to update the Altrusa of Door County brochures and handouts.  Bridget Bowers will create an online newsletter for members.

Membership – Cheryl Zettel and Laura Voeks will hold a new member initiation at the June membership meeting.

Fundraising – Carol Devault asked members to pass along any new fundraising ideas to the committee.  Cally Asher and Patti Ellsworth have offered to co-chair the December 5, 2024 Holiday Extravaganza.  There is still a need for someone to chair the Silent Auction for this event.

The meeting adjourned at 7:58pm upon motion by Maureen Fear with a second from Sharon Haines.  Motion passed.

Future Meetings:

Board:  May 7, 2024 at DCCF Rock Island Room, 6:00pm

June 4, 2024 at DCCF Rock Island Room, ^:00pm

Membership:  May 21, 2024, Blue Front Restaurant, 5:30 Social & Shower, 6:00 meeting

                       June 18, 2024, Blue Front Restaurant, 5:30 Social, 6:00 meeting

Minutes submitted by Mary Fasciotti

Attendance: Robyn Anderson, Cathy Royce, Carol Devault, Sonya Jorns, Cheryl Zettel, DeeDee Brauer, Lori Anderson, Judy Borowski, Maureen Fear, Sharon Haines, Marcia Nickols, Amber Papke, Pat Ploor, Peg Wepner, Carrie Tjernagel, Chris Zvara, Kristin Johnson, Angie Meacham, Patti Ligmon and Mary Fasciotti.

Guests:  Diane Gruener, Mary Templin, Meredith Templin, and Cathy Wiegman.