Call the meeting to order: The meeting was called to order by Co-President Chris Zvara at 6:03pm.
Members present were Chris Zvara, Angie Meacham, Cheryl Zettel, Laura Voeks, Peg Wepner, Sharon Haines, Pat Eggers, Mary Fasciotti, Carrie Tjernagel, Robyn Anderson, and Karen Gosser.
Approval of the August 2024 Club Board Minutes: The August 2024 Club Board minutes were approved upon motion by Laura Voeks with a second from Peg Wepner.
Treasurer’s Club Report: Karen Gosser reported a balance of $6503.68 in the Club checkbook.
Treasurer’s Foundation Report: Angie Meachan emailed a report prior to the meeting.
Correspondence: District 7 Governor, Ingrid Christianson, requested all district Altrusa Clubs share what is being done to acknowledge Make a Difference Day in our communities. She is asking for a wrap-up summary and pictures of our activity. Altrusa of Door County participates in the Habitat for Humanity program by donating a bookcase and books for each family building a home within the county.
An invitation to Altrusa of Oshkosh 75th Anniversary Celebration was received by Co-Presidents Chris Zvara and Pat Ploor. This event will take place on October 1. If interested in attending, please contact one of these members.
Committee Reports:
Membership – This committee, led by Cheryl Zettel and Laura Voeks, recently met to review the new member booklet and paperwork to be completed by potential applicants. Laura Voeks presented a handout with a timeline of new member information to be included in the booklet. A motion was made by Sharon Haines with a second from Pat Eggers to approve the new member information booklet as presented by the Membership Committee. Motion passed. It was decided that new member initiations will take place at the January and June Club Membership meetings. It was also requested that new member information be attached to the Board Agenda in the future so Board members can review prior to the meeting.
Communication – Peg Wepner requested that she be designated full administrator of the Altrusa of Door County facebook page. Tara Pierra and Jackie Jeanquart have partial access to the account. A question was asked regarding a recent food truck post. A clarification was given and the issue was resolved. A question was also asked regarding posts acknowledging grants received. It was stated that approval and permission from donors was received prior to posting.
Old Business:
Grants – Present grant writer, Peg Wepner, has transferred grant files to incoming grant writer, Rebecca Cavanaugh. Peg will complete the present grant cycle. Peg proposed a resolution; Be It Resolved, Altrusa International of Door County, WI. Inc. approved Rebecca Cavanaugh, Grant Liaison, to represent Altrusa International Foundation of Door County WI., Inc. in seeking additional funding through grants and awards for the appropriate service programs sponsored by the Foundation beginning on October 1, 2024. A motion was made by Peg Wepner to approve the resolution with a second from Pat Eggers. Motion carried.
Cherry Cove Leak Issue – The membership approved a request to purchase new rolling racks and plastic bins not to exceed $1000.00 to use for Club storage at Cherry Cove. An anonymous member donor offered to cover the cost of the storage bins. Cheryl Zettel agreed to pursue this purchase and order the items.
Cherry Cove Keys – There are 4 keys available to unlock the basement storage area at Cherry Cove. The 4 Altrusans with keys are Maureen Fear, Pat Ploor, Chris Zvara and Cally Asher.
New Business:
Approval of New Members – A motion was made by Karen Gosser with a second from Robyn Anderson to accept Meredith Templin and Tina Jennerjohn for membership in Altrusa of Door County. Motion passed.
Approval of Pulse Thank You Ad – Peg Wepner emailed a copy of the Peninsula Pulse Back to School Fair thank you ad estimate prior to the meeting. This ad should appear in the Pulse in early October. Sharon Haines made a motion to approve the cost of the $225.00 ad with Robyn Anderson seconding. Motion passed.
Board Disclaimer Statement – Discussion was held related to the unauthorized phone call that was made in regards to the recent BTSF. Robyn Anderson agreed to contact Rebecca Cauvanugh to draft a disclaimer which will be added to the parent/guardian BTSF letters.
Results of Survey – Chris Zvara gave a summary from a recent survey conducted by Co-Presidents Chris Zvara and Pat Ploor.
- official minutes document club activities and business, not email responses
- length of meeting should be limited to 1 to 1 ½ hours
- meetings can begin when members are finished eating
- international by-laws state there must be 12 meetings held a year
- information can be emailed ahead of meetings with a concise update given at the meeting
- members are willing to pay for meals but prefer not to pay for venues
The meeting adjourned at 7:28pm.
Peg Wepner then gave an overview of the new website. The construction is still in the skeletal state.
Future Meetings:
Membership: September 17,2024 – 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting, Sonny’s Pizza, Door Tran Speaker: Nikki Voight
Board: October 1, 2024 – 6:00pm DCCF Rock Island Room
Membership: October 15, 2024 – 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting, Venue TBD