Board Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2024

Call the meeting to order:  Co-President, Pat Ploor, called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.

In attendance were Chris Zvara, Pat Ploor, Peg Wepner, Robyn Anderson, Laura Voeks, Cally Asher, Cheryl Zettel and Mary Fasciotti.

Approval of the September 5, 2024 Board Minutes:  A correction to the minutes was approved upon motion by Cheryl Zettel with a second from Peg Wepner.  The minutes should state that Tara Pierre, Jackie Jeanquar,t and Peg Wepner all have full administrative facebook rights to this site.

Treasurer’s Report:  None

Correspondence:  None

Committee Reports;

Fundraising – Holiday Extravaganza;  Cally Asher gave an update on the upcoming December 5, 2024 event.

  • Invitations have been ordered and mailing labels will be used for addresses this year.
  • A template is being developed for the programs and once completed will be sent to the printer.
  • It appears that 300 people will be in attendance for the event.
  • Thirteen Altrusans have not responded with their guest lists.
  • The charge for Plinko will be $10.00 per play.
  • Approximately 50-60 items will be set aside from the HE donations at a value of $20.00/$25.00 to use as prizes.
  • While the event is in overall good shape, the guest lists are proving to be difficult to manage.

Pumpkin Patch – Cally reported that all volunteer slots have been filled for the October 12 and 13 festival.

Communications – Peg Wepner reported that there will be a DCNPG breakfast held in October at the ARDC.  An email was sent to members with details.

Rebecca Cavanaugh will be joining the DCNP group as an Altrusa representative.

Web page – Peg reported that work continues on development of the new Altrusa of Door County web page.  One common password will be used by members to access the Member’s Only section. Peg asked that all 2024 Board and Club minutes be sent to developer, John Nelson, as soon as possible to be included on the web page.

Thank You Ad – The BTSF thank you add has been submitted to the Peninsula Pulse and will appear in an upcoming issue.

Library Donation – Altrusa of Door County made another donation to the Door County Literacy for the Visually Impaired program.  To date, almost $3000.00 has been given to the Library.  This includes a $500.00 donation Altrusa recieved from the Lion’s Club.

Non-Disclosure Statement – Peg shared a document prepared by member, Rebecca Cavanaugh.   It states, “As a reminder, once you are approved for participation, no one from Altrusa of Door County will call you and rescind your invitation to participate or question your qualifications for approval. In the event you receive phone calls or other communications that cause you to question whether you are speaking to an Altrusan regarding the qualification process, please contact us via our email address: (insert email).  Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you at the event.”  Discussion was held and board members agreed to include this statement in future BTSF correspondence to families.

Web site pictues from BTSF – Web developer, John Nelso, hired a photographer to take pictures of Altrusans, volunteers, and families at the August BTSF event.  No non-disclosure statement was listed in the materials given to parents and guardians to approve or not approve pictures taken of their children. As a result, many pictures take by the photographer can not be posted on the Altrusa of Door County website or facebook page. Altrusa International requires a signed non-disclosure for all confidential BTSF event photos.  Co Presidents, Pat Ploor and Chris Zvara will discuss this issue with the Chair of the BTSF committee prior to new materials being printed for the 2025 event.

Old Business:

Cherry Cove – Cheryl Zettel and her husband purchased and assembled rolling shelves to use for storage of Altrusa items at Cherry Cove.  Sorting has begun through materials presently stored at this site and will continue as events occur.  Cheryl suggests holding off purchasing new clear tubs at this time until this sorting process in complete.

New Business:

Financial Request – A request was made by Liz Junion, County of Door Division Case Manager for student financial assistance.  A full time Door County female resident wishes to take a writing class through UW Eau Claire at a cost of $179.00.  After discussion, it was agreed to move forward with this request since only 2 MLK Scholarships were awarded this year.  Cheryl Zettel made a motion to cover the cost of the 1 credit UW Eau Claire writing class with monies take from from the Scholarship Find.  It was also stipulated that the student make a presentation to Altrusa of Door County sharing her final project.  Laura Voeks seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

YMCA Community Closet – Pat Ploor shared a list of items she received from Brett Clevelend that both the Sturgeon Bay and Northern Door Y organizations are in need of.  Altrusa of Door County will donate some leftover toiletries from the BTSF to the Y.  Pat said she will email members asking them to donate additional items at the upcoming Membership meeting on October 15.

Oshkosh 75th Anniversary Dinner – Robyn Anderson shared program information from the 75th Altrusa of Oshkosh event.

The meeting adjourned at 7:28pm upon motion by Robyn Anderson with a second from Peg Wepner.  Motion carried.

Minutes prepared by Mary Fasciotti

Future Meetings:

Membership – October 15, 2024, Sonny’s Pizza – 5:30pm social, 6:00 meeting

Board – November 5, 2024, DCCF, 6:00pm

Membership – November 19, 2024 TBD

Board – December, 3, 2024, DCCF, 6:00pm

Holiday Extravaganza:  December 5, 2024, Stone Harbor Resort

Membership – No meeting due to Holiday Extravaganza