Club Board Meeting Minutes January 2, 2024

6:00pm (Google Meet)

The meeting was called to order by Pat Ploor at 6:18pm.

Approval of the December Board Minutes:  Sharon Brecklin motioned to approve the December 2023 Board Meeting Minutes with a second from Peg Wepner.  Motion carried.

Correspondence:  None

Treasurer’s Report:  Angie Meacham reported that $50.00 was given to a memorial for former member, Susan Baus.  She noted that all members have paid their dues for the current year.  A check for $499.14 was received from Green Door Thrift Store.

Committee Reports:

Fundraising/Grants – Peg Wepner reported that no new grants have been received at this time.

Holiday Extravaganza Room Rental – It was noted that the room rental for Stone Harbor was $858.00 in 2022 and is $1,724.40 for 2023.  This is an increase of $866.40 from the previous year.  No specific reason was given from Stone Harbor as to this increase,

Holiday Extravaganza Financial Intake – Angie Meacham prepared a financial summary of the 2023 HE showing the intake and breakdowns of various committees.

Holiday Extravaganza Remaining Wine – Pat Ploor noted that 24 bottles of wine are left over from the HE Wine Pull.  These bottles will be raffled off at the January Membership Meeting.

Old Business:

Club Committees – Pat Ploor reported that Committee break out groups will get together at the January Membership Meeting.  A meal will take place first, followed by the break out groups and then the meeting will be held.  At the present time 13 members have not signed up to serve on a committee.  Pat will send an informational letter to all members prior to the meeting encouraging them to sign up on a committee of their interest.

Website Update – Angie Meacham reported that the Altrusa of Door County website has been shut down.  A new website will need to be built and she is presently waiting on a quote for the cost of having this done.  The site presently states that it is under construction and directs inquirers to go to the Altrusa of DC Facebook page for current information.

Reading Friends – Pat Ploor noted that the readers at Sawyer School will keep their own books at home because of a storage issue at the school.  Rosemary Stuebi, Reading Friends Chair, said she presently has tubs of Born to Read books at her home.  The Born to Read program is still in need of a Chairperson.

New Business:

Club Nominating Committee – A nominating committee needs to be chosen at the January Membership Meeting.  Diane Jenquin will coordinate with Pat Ploor to inform members per email about volunteering to serve on this committee.

Foundation Board – Pat Ploor discussed the need for a Foundation Board to be elected from within our membership.  This board would meet 1 to 2 times per year.  It was felt that the Club needs assistance in getting this started.  Pat Ploor offered to contact the District 7 Governor and members of the Green Bay and Oshkosh Altrusa Clubs for guidance in doing this.

New Member – Denise Richardson was voted into membership upon motion by Robyn Anderson with a second from Pat Eggers.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25pm upon motion from Chris Zvara with a second from Sharon Brecklin.  Motion carried.

Future Meetings:

Club/Membership – January 16, 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting at DCCF

Board – February 6, 6:00pm at DCCF

Club/Membership – February 20, 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting.  This will be a a BTSF working meeting held at Bay View Lutheran Church.

Board – March 5, 6:00pm at DCCF

Submitted by Mary Fasciotti

In attendance – Diane Jenquin, Pat Ploor, Pat Eggers, Peg Wepner, Angie Meacham, Chris Zvara, Robyn Anderson, Sharon Brecklin and Mary Fasciotti.