Club Board Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2024
Call the meeting to order: Co-President, Pat Ploor, called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.
Members present were Robyn Anderson, Peg Wepner, Chris Zvara, Pat Ploor, Karen Gosser, Pat Eggers, Sharon Haines, Cheryl Zettel and Mary Fasciotti.
Approval of the July 2, 2024 Board Minutes: The minutes were approved upon motion by Karen Gosser with a second from Pat Eggers.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Karen Gosser, reported a balance of $6535.31 in the checkbook.
Correspondence: Pat Ploor shared a request from Altrusa International District 7 Governor Elect dated 7/29/2024 asking for a member of Altrusa of Door County to sit on a planning board for the 2025 District Conference. The topic would be the retention of members. Pat will see if anyone from the membership is willing to do this.
Committee Reports:
Fundraising: Peg Wepner send an email to all members updating them on the ongoing Pampered Chef party.
Finance: Pat Ploor and Sharon Haines gave an update on the recent financial internal audit that took place. Info was provided via email to members.
Holiday Extravaganza: A Holiday Extravaganza meeting is set for Monday, August 19, 2024 at the DCCF for members wishing to help or learn more about the upcoming December 5th event.
Pumpkin Patch: Volunteers are needed for this fundraiser in Egg Harbor on Saturday, October 12, 2024.
Packer Lambeau Field Fundraiser: Cally Asher reported that little interest was show by members to pursue this event.
Communications: Peg Wepner reported that new thank you notes and letterhead will be printed. One logo will be used for both Club and Foundation correspondence. Peg and Emily Maher will update the directory in fall on a yearly basis. A thank you note add will be printed in the Peninsula Pulse acknowledging those businesses and individuals who contributed to the Back to School Fair.
Grants: Rebecca Cavenaugh will be taking over this job as Peg Wepner transitions out of the present grant cycle.
Old Business:
Alternatives to Sign-Up Genius: Chris Zvara has not found an alternative to this method of notification for members. DeeDee Brauer is trying a new sign-up format for the upcoming August picnic.
Brewer Buddies: Members interested in attending a Brewer’s game in Milwaukee should contact Pat Ploor to request the tickets. Dates available were sent to all members in a previous email.
Web page, Member’s Only Section: Peg Wepner noted that work continues on a Member’s Only section of the new website. Items included on this page would be both Club and Foundation minutes, financial reports, and a calendar of events.
Back to School Fair: Sharon Haines noted that set-up and the event ran smoothly. A question was asked if there is a point of contact person that volunteers can check in with and what information is given to volunteers ahead of time.
Revitalization Grant: Pat Ploor passed off a grant application to Cheryl Zettel. Monies obtained from the grant would be used by the Membership Committee for new member social activities.
Items for the YMCA Food Pantry: Pat Ploor recently spoke with Rachel Stoehr, YMCA Food Pantry Community Impact Director, regarding the collection of food goods for Sturgeon Bay and the Northern Door Y facilities. Pat will get more information how Altrusa of Door County can support this project.
Meeting Adjourned: The meeting adjourned at 7:58 upon motion by Robyn Anderson with a second from Sharon Haines. Motion passed.
Future Meetings:
Membership – August 20,2024, Potluck at Jacksonport Park, 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting.
Board – September 5, 2024, 6:00pm at the DCCF.
Membership – September 17, 2024. 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting at the DCCF with Door Tran Speaker Nikki Voight.
Board – October 1, 2024, 6:00pm at DCCF.
Membership – October 15,2024, 5:30pm social, 6:00pm meeting. Venue TBD